Introducing Birth 121.

An experienced, highly qualified midwife providing boutique-style, private care for families in Fort Worth and surrounding areas! Visits scheduled in-office or from the comfort of your home. Facilitating Home Birth or Birth Center Birth.

My Philosophy

I believe that all women and all families deserve the care that they are desiring for this most vulnerable time of life. I believe that giving birth is a natural part of life and women have been doing it for thousands of years. Birth is a natural process and function of the female body. I believe that for healthy moms and healthy babies, unnecessary interventions can lead to unnecessary complications. That being said, I also believe that the medical system has a place that is appropriate when birth becomes high risk. I believe that fear increases pain and knowledge is power. I believe that most of the time we can heal our bodies with plants. As for my faith, I am a Christian. I have walked this path with many (hundreds of) different families who believe all different things. I believe it is my duty as well as a passion to hold sacred space for people who are different from me and people who are similar. We are all on our own journey and pregnancy, birth and postpartum is such a time for this journey. I believe that informed consent is a basic human right. I believe that personalized care is the safest care.

My desires as a midwife.

I desire for my clients to feel heard, respected and honored. I desire to be a listener as well as a guide. I desire to protect you as well as be a guardian of natural, physiological birth. I desire to be hands off when you need me to be and hands on when it’s appropriate. My goal is to answer all of your questions with honesty, vulnerability and transparency. I desire to utilize my skills, lean into my intuition as well as use wisdom, knowledge and faith when providing care for you. I desire to be a part of your family by the end of your care!

Before doctors, were midwives. Before hospitals, were home births.

For centuries, midwives were the skilled professionals that walked with women as they brought new life into the world. And for centuries they did it well.

My first approach is to honor the natural process of physiological birth and authentic midwifery care while being skilled and knowledgable in medical advancement. I, like midwives before me, understand that the body was built to give birth. I believe that nature has provided us with medicines that are exponentially more effective and have less side-effects than synthetically produced medications.

It is my job to use discernment, knowledge, intuition and wisdom to know which approach is the safest and most appropriate for each of my clients.

The original approach

Ready to take the next step?

Thoughts from former clients…

“I can’t recommend Meredith enough! Throughout my pregnancy, I felt supported and heard. Labor was hard work but I was safe and well cared for and felt empowered. She doesn’t cut corners and you can tell that everyone on her team is passionate about supporting moms and families. It has been an amazing experience. Thank you Meredith for all of your hard work and sleepless nights!


“I was skeptical at first about my wife’s choice to give birth to our baby at a birth center and not a hospital but I am so glad she did. We had a really great experience. Meredith and the birth team were really fantastic and made my wife feel really empowered and capable of achieving her desire and goal for an unmedicated birth. The focus stays on the mother and not the convenience of everyone else. The natural birth process was incredible to witness and I was super impressed at how everyone championed around my wife.”


I have given birth with Meredith as my midwife twice now and basically I won’t move until I’m done having children. She is humble, kind, empathetic, fun and provided the most encouraging atmosphere for me and my family. You will be in great hands if you choose to work with Meredith! I hope you do!!


check my availability

because of the intensive personal care my clients receive, I am have limited space in my practice. This protects my clients, ensuring optimal chances of having me present for them when they need me, as well as myself, ensuring I don’t burn out and am able to nurture all the parts of my life. I recommend checking my availability before scheduling a consultation!